Note pursuant to GDPR

When you contact us to request information and offers regarding our products and services, we collect, process and use personal data from you and/or your personnel for the purposes of processing the relevant matter and fulfilling contracts. This data includes, for example, your name, address and contact details as well as data on properties, including sales, lettings and other figures used in valuations. Should you have any questions regarding data protection, you can find further information on our website at https://www.savills.de/footer/informationen-dsgvo.aspx. Please address any queries or requests for information, correction, deletion or to exercise other rights in relation to the processing of your data to us or our data protection officer via our postal address or via e-mail to datenschutz@savills.de.

Prevention of money laundering in real estate transactions

As real estate consultants, we are obliged by applicable laws to obtain certain information regarding our clients and their contractual partners to undertake money laundering investigations. In turn, our clients and their contractual partners are legally obliged to provide this information truthfully.

To fulfil the necessary duties of care for our business partners, for their contractual partners and for ourselves in accordance with our obligations pursuant to German Anti-Money Laundering Act (GwG) as simply and transparently as possible, we have summarised the legal requirements on a client questionnaire and fact sheet. We request that you provide the information we require pursuant to the GwG directly on this questionnaire. The documents will be sent to you separately.